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Photo courtesy of T. Ueda (All Rights Reserved)
PART 9 Those little extras and a Pandemic !
When you visit our Simulator you will notice many little features which are of interest,
as mentioned in a prvious section we have the Sinks, Storage and Vanity Mirrors from the Toilets.
But there are lots of other little finishing touches for you to look for.

We have the Toilets Occupied and Seatbelt / No Smoking signs.

Above your head at the top of the Stairs, we have the Oxygen Panels
from the Toilets, this is the Mask that would drop down for you if
you were in the Toilet and a de-pressurisation were to happen.

We have put a clear Perspex cover over one to show you the Mask and Tubing inside.

We built Stairs to climb up to the Flightdeck Door.

Finished Stairs, you turn Right at the Top to enter the Flightdeck.

The Entrance to the Flightdeck. (Taken with a wide angle lens).

And hanging over the Stairs there is a Huge model of a 747.

Work was done to allow the lights in the Circuit Breaker Panel Overhead to work.

The Floor was also painted on the outside of the Simulator.
During the Restoration, as we all know we had a Worldwide Covid Pandemic.
This was both good and bad regarding the re-build, like many other professions,
most of the Suppliers we needed bits from, Wood , Plastic and Paint Suppliers,
general D.I Y. for Tools etc. were either closed or suffered shortages due to
manufacturers being idle. We just had to do whatever jobs we could mangage
and wait, just like the rest of the World.
The good part as far as the Flightdeck was concerned, was the fact that both British Airways
and Virgin Airlines retired there whole Boeing 747-400 fleets, mostly to be broken up
at St. Athan in Wales and in the Cotswolds. John immediately drew up a list of parts
that were missing from the Flightdeck and got in touch with "Plane Reclaimers"
to see if they could fill up his shopping list. They were more than happy to help out.
Plane reclaimers have been on TV with a series and Part out Aircraft and sell bits back to
Airlines for future use or to Aircraft enthusiasts. Click logo above to visit their site.

Bought in several stages, boxes of goodies would arrive, mostly from ex British Airways Aircraft.
If you know the registration of a B.A. Aircraft you have flown on you can check if
we have any parts of it here. PARTS FROM OTHER boeing 747-400's

The Escape Hatch Cover (Seen on the Box in previous photo) installed,
this makes it look neater and also reduces sound

More Parts for Centre Pedestal, Overhead Panel inclding a
Data Printer and Emergency Torch.

Crew Oxygen Boxes, the Mask fronts are not real, John made those.

Parts to complete "The Library".
Yes that is a 3 ½" Floppy drive and Diskette box at the top.

All the Panels and Panel Blanks from the Rear Overhead Panel
were scourced.

Spare Bulb Kit.

Emergency Escape devices, and B.A. Coat hangers

Flightdeck Access Viewing Screen (Right Rear)

And we even have "Sun Visors" for those Sunny days in the Simulator !

How she looked on arrival and completed.
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